Feeding Toddlers On-The-Go

Feeding Toddlers On-The-Go

Kayla Greenstone is a motherhood blogger at www.runningwithstrollers.com, and a self-proclaimed ‘mom who finds beauty in balancing it all’. Follow her on Instagram @runningwithstrollers and on Facebook at facebook.com/runningwithstrollers.

I’m so honored to be sharing on the Bentgo blog this week – I am a huge fan of the products and feel that they fit in perfectly with my busy mama lifestyle! My name is Kayla Greenstone. My posts are written directly to Mom from the heart – I cover topics in the inspiration, fashion, wellness, and motivational categories.

None of us are balancing everything in our lives equally but we have to find the balance that works for us and find the joy in it each day. My little boy Calvin, is 15 months old and he keeps us on our toes at all times!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from having a toddler, it’s that they’re ALWAYS. HUNGRY. I can’t think of anything worse than being stranded on an outing with a hungry little Calvin. A snack solves (most) problems or tantrums that occur with our son. Being prepared with a well-packed diaper bag and being ready with a meal or food for our toddler is EVERYTHING.

Need a Whole Week of Healthy & Tasty Lunchbox Ideas?

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest for daily lunch and snack ideas.